Hey there, lawn lovers!

Welcome to our turf. We offer aeration, sprinkler repair, and blowouts for a vibrant yard.

Sprinkle & Spike

Your lawn deserves the royal treatment. Let us work our magic to keep it lush and green. From sprinkler repairs to blow outs, we've got you covered!

Schedule Sprinkle & Spike

Ready to dig in? Here at Sprinkle & Spike, we're all about keeping your grass green and sprinklers pristine.

Call or text (720) 277-7747

  • Its like a spa day for your lawn.

    Loosen up those compacted soil streets, allowing oxygen, water, and nutrients to flow freely to the grassroots. This process revitalizes your lawn, promoting healthier grass growth and better water absorption.

  • Ready to say hello to the frosty season?

    Keep your lawn in tiptop shape by gently blowing out any water lingering in the pipes, we're ensuring that when the frosty chill of winter comes knocking, your sprinklers are safe and sound.

  • Because every drop counts!

    We’re here to tackle all your sprinkle woes, from mischievous leaks to cranky valves.

  • Ready to get your system turned on?